Without a doubt, internet security is the most important issue of current times. When we speak of sensitive information like credit card numbers or internet banking details, we can’t be too careful. Unfortunately, there are people out there who steal such information and use it for their own nefarious purposes. For that reason, it is important to ensure that anyone who has this data is as secure as possible. Below are three ways you can prevent identity theft from happening to you.
1. Be aware of phishing
Phishing is a technique that involves tricking a person into giving them their personal information. This information may include passwords to bank accounts and other personal information. It is done through websites that appear to be the real thing, but are actually only used to steal data.
It is easy to avoid such traps by taking a few precautions. First, it is important to know what phishing sites look like. Whenever you visit one of these sites, it is important to keep in mind that the site you land on is not the same one that you signed in with. Everything should be in punctuation marks and sentence starts with “https” (which stands for secure transmission) instead of just “http”. Additionally, don’t respond to emails that request personal information – simple instead of replying, since they also use this as a way to contact others.
2. Don’t open attachments from people you do not know
It is easy to forget that there are people out there who’d like to get their hands on your personal information. This is why it is always a good idea to simply refuse to open an email with any personal information in it. Sure, the email may be from your bank or some service provider. But don’t open it unless you’re expecting it. You may also want to check the sender before opening it, too. If you do, say “no” or delete the message.
3. Don’t reply to emails asking for personal information
Again, it’s important to remember that no bank or other organization is going to email you asking for personal information. So if someone emails asking for your personal information, just remember that there is no need to reply to them. You can also avoid this problem by using a separate email address for sites like this. If you really want to respond, then use a value added email address that you’ve created (in a free email service, of course) that has your name and other personal information in it. That way, it won’t be possible for someone to run up purchases on your account with unknown motives.
Bonus) Never, ever, click on links in emails from banks or a credit card companies. They never, ever, tell you to click on links to get to any website. If you want to go to a website, go to the company’s website. In many cases, you can actually view their products without having to download it. For that matter, why not go to their website and give them a donation – when you’ve made your donation, why not enjoy the content while it is still in your computer? Of course, just as with all other links you can get on the web, you should be extremely careful when proceeding forward now and forward only those extremely relevant scams that will actually target your interests.
End of story.
(If you are an expert in email scams and want to add your voice to the many that are victims of these brilliant con artists, you can visit theemailfolder. You may publish this article free of charge in your email address folder)